My daughter improved massively with Manuel!

septiembre 23, 2022

My daughter started swimming lessons with Manuel after the first lockdown last year. She has always been nervous in the water and hesitant to try anything new but since starting lessons here she has grown so much in confidence and looks forward to her lessons each week. Her teacher Manuel is fantastic, he has so much energy and enthusiasm and as well as getting my daughter to be comfortable and safe in the water again, he has managed to make swimming more fun and enjoyable for her. She leaves her lessons each week feeling happy and proud of herself.


A wonderful experience in my classes

agosto 30, 2022

I have been Manuel’s student for a long period of time in personalised swimming courses (adults). I learnt a lot from him and overcame my fear of water, especially in deep pools. Manuel’s pedagogy adapts to each student. He is a great professional who likes his job, he is intelligent and adapts the available learning techniques to each student, in fact, when I found a certain methodology difficult, the next day he came with the solution already studied, hahahahahah. In addition to this, Manuel is a friendly person with whom you feel comfortable and close enough to ask him all your queries. I would go back to his classes when I can, now I am in Madrid and it is difficult for me, but from these classes I left happy to learn new things and overcome my fears, as well as refreshed and relaxed.

He sido alumna de Manuel por un periodo largo en clases personalizadas de aprendizaje de natación (adultos). He aprendido mucho de el y he superado el miedo que tenía al agua, sobre todo en piscinas profundas. La pedagogía de Manuel se adapta a cada alumno. Es un gran profesional que le gusta su trabajo, es inteligente y adapta las técnicas de aprendizaje disponibles a cada alumno, de hecho, cuando alguna metodología me resultaba difícil, al día siguiente ya venía con la solución estudiada, jajajaj. Sumando a esto que Manuel es una persona amable con el que uno se siente cómodo y cercano para preguntarle todas las dudas. Yo volvería a sus clases cuando pueda, ahora estoy en Madrid y me es difícil, pero de estas clases salía feliz de aprender cosas nuevas y superar mis miedos, además de despejada y relajada.


Thank you!

julio 27, 2022

Sam’s confidence has improved massively I can’t believe he swam in the deep end on Sunday! This was a boy who was scared to even get in the pool before he had Manuel.

Thank you.


Emanuel is Great swimming teacher.

julio 27, 2022

Me gustaría agradecer a Emanuel por enseñar a mis hijos hoy con gran entusiasmo y talento en la piscina de Bristol South. Realmente disfrutaron toda la clase. Ojalá pudiera enseñarles todas las semanas.


Gran profesional

junio 17, 2022

He tenido el placer de trabajar con él como compañero y es un gran profesional, con una dedicación y entrega máxima. Además de ofrecer clases divertidas y atractivas para los más pequeños.

Manuel Marquez
5,0 de 5 estrellas (basado en 11 reseñas)
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