Sobre nosotros

¡Hola! Soy Manuel

La natación ha sido mi pasión y mi vida desde que era un niño, cuando decidí convertirme en un nadador de competición en el año 2002. Con más de  20 años de experiencia como nadador así como profesor, fundé SwimForFun en el año 2023 para ofrecer clases de natación de calidad en la Bahía de Cádiz.

¿Por qué fundé SwimForFun? 

After gaining extensive experience in both Spain and the United Kingdom, I established SwimForFun to provide the highest quality swimming lessons to children and adults in the Bahía de Cádiz (Andalucía).

More than ten years ago I started my career coaching the city’s swimming club in El Puerto de Santa María. However, driven by my desire to learn from the best, I decided to relocate to Great Britain, a country with a strong swimming culture, to immerse myself in their knowledge of this sport.

During my five-year stay in Bristol (England), I had the opportunity to collaborate with professionals from around the world, which has led me to the realization that fun and engaging swimming lessons, conducted in a relaxed environment, are the most effective approach for any instructor to achieve their goals.

Believing that this is the path to follow, I felt compelled to establish my own swimming school, SwimForFun, where our pupils can enjoy a pleasant and enjoyable environment while working towards their swimming goals.
